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Sugoi Life / Pacific Media Expo MIYAVI Cosplay Contest |
Valley Gakuen / Pacific Media Expo Cosplay Contest 2010 |
PMX Anime Swap Meet and Cosplay Contest Monterey Park Cherry Blossom Festival |
Cosplay Contest at the 2010 Cherry Blossom Festival of Southern California |
FREE Cosplay Contest FREE 2010 Cherry Blossom Festival of Southern California
 A FREE EVENT Co-Sponsored by Valley Gakuen Japanese School |
Valley Gakuen/PMX Holiday Anime Swap Meet and Screening |
Join our mailing list for a chance to win an exclusive item from our PMX guests!
May 2010 raffle:
- Prize: An autographed Angelic Pretty poster!
- Deadline: May 31st, at 11:59 PM Pacific time
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May 2010 raffle
Win: An autographed Angelic Pretty poster! Click here. (05.08.10)
April 17-18 Swap Meet
Vendor registration is now open for the PMX Anime Swap Meet at the Monterey Park Cherry Blossom Festival! Click here for event information and links. (04.13.10)
April 2010 raffle
Win: An autographed Aoi Kidokoro mini poster! (April Raffle closed on 04.30.10) (04.13.10)
March 2010 raffle
Win: Autographed UchuSentai NOIZ poster! (March Raffle closed on 04.10.10) (03.29.10)
February 2010 raffle
Win: Autographed button of Takuya Angel! (February Raffle closed on 03.10.10) (02.22.10)
January 2010 raffle
Win: Autographed self-portrait sketch of Excel Saga director Nabeshin! (January Raffle closed on 01.31.10) (01.07.10)
PMX Holiday Swap Meet
Do you want your anime fix and shop with your friends at the same time? Come to the Valley Gakuen Japanese School/PMX Holiday Anime Swap Meet and Screening - Saturday, December 12, 2009 - 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM. This event is FREE TO THE PUBLIC! Click here for more info.
Event tracking
Check out the PMX09 Programming Schedule.
Buy a ticket and get a free autograph from UchuSentai NOIZ. Pit tickets get a signed photo and signed poster. Middle tickets get a signed poster.
Many sounds
Hydraphonic is PMX's Saturday music event. Hydraphonic features Poel, Nobu Albatross, Kiryu, and Lemon Drop Kick. No ticket needed. Hydraphonic is at 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday.
At-Con Registration
The Registration page has been completely updated. Click here to see all the Registration policies for 2009.
Concert tickets
Tickets for the Pacific Music Live 09 concert are now on sale. See the Music Ticketing Policy to buy.
More music
Joining the lineup for the Pacific Music Live 09 concert is Ai Chérie and Rusika.
Meet the DJs
The PMX Dance brings you the talents of Takuya Angel, DJ ¡PAZ!, DJ Tw33k, DJ Tory Trajec, and DJ Oui-Ji.
October/November 2009 raffle
Win: A framed Suicide Ali postcard and a kitty scarf from Rosaleen Dhu Designs! (October/November Raffle closed on 11.30.09) (10.21.09)
Tea Party Auction
The online parallel auction for Head Table tickets is ready to go! The auction bidder registration page is open NOW. Bids will be accepted starting at Noon today (Oct 18). The original planned closing time of 8pm Oct 22 still applies.
$35 Pre-Reg extended
The October pre-reg rate for Full memberships has been extended to the 20th. Click here for registration info.
Cat scratch fashion
Designer Gashikon of the Hangry & Angry fashion line of h.Naoto to show off her works at the PMX Fashion Show. Find out more.
Sakedol dreams
Pop idol duo Papillon to perform in the Pacific Music Live 09 concert. More on music.
Meet Kiryu
Singer/Songwriter Kiryu will be at PMX to meet his fans! Find out more about Kiryu's visit here.
Return of the NOIZ
Visual kei rock band UchuSentai NOIZ returns! Catch them in concert at Pacific Music Live 09.
Angelic Pretty is back!
Iconic lolita fashion label Angelic Pretty returns! Click here for more information about their Magical Boutique, Wonderland Tea Party, and the PMX Fashion Show.
Nabeshin at PMX09
Anime director and cameo character Shinichi "Nabeshin" Watanabe will be participating at PMX in an autograph session and a focus panel.
Cutting-edge fashion
PMX09 is pleased to announce its first Guest of Honor: Takuya Sawada of Takuya Angel. Check out Takuya Angel designs in the fashion show and boutique. Watch Takuya Sawada spin during the dance. (09.04.09)
September 2009 raffle
Win: Autographed Suicide Ali Poster! (September Raffle closed on 09.30.09) (09.02.09)
August 2009 raffle
Win: Uchusentai Noiz DVD, Sample CD, and 2 PMX 09 Full Badges! (August Raffle closed on 08.31.09) (08.08.09)
Cosplay info posted
Information about Cosplay at PMX and our CosFest competition is up. Click here. (08.03.09)
Press and Industry info posted
Policies for Press and Industry passes are up and registration links are active. (07.28.09)
July 2009 raffle
Win: Autographed Kaya poster! (July Raffle closed on 08.05.09) (07.01.09)
June 2009 raffle
Win: Autographed Suicide Ali poster! (June Raffle closed on 06.30.09) (06.22.09)
You can now register for PMX09 here. And book your hotel room at the special con rate here. (05.22.09)
New look
Welcome to the website's look for 2009. This is a work-in-progress, so please check often for news and updates. (05.21.09)
May 2009 raffle
Win: Autographed Angelic Pretty poster! (May Raffle closed on 05.31.09) (05.19.09)
April 2009 raffle
Win: Framed and autographed Kaya postcard! (April Raffle closed on 04.30.09) (04.14.09)
PMX Collectors' Swap Meet
Join us at the Monterey Park Cherry Blossom Festival (April 18-19, 11 AM - 6 PM). (03.28.09)
March 2009 raffle
Win: Robotech Shadow Chronicles 2-Disc Collector's Edition, a VF-1A Max Type Valkyrie Super Poseable Figure, and 2 PMX 2009 Full Memberships! (March Raffle closed on 03.31.09) (03.06.09)
February 2009 raffle
Win an autographed and framed Kaya postcard! (February Raffle closed on 02.28.09) (02.10.09)
Save the date! Nov. 6-8, '09
PMX 2009 returns to the LAX Hilton for another year of fun! (01.14.09)
January 2009 raffle
Win an autographed and framed Suicide Ali postcard! (January Raffle closed on 01.31.09) (01.02.09)