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Fashion Swap Meet

Friday night. Room: San Diego

Have a lolita dresses you no longer wear?  Time to get rid of your street punk kimono? Sell or trade your fashion at our new Fashion Swap Meet!

The Fashion Swap Meet does not require you to purchase an entire table. Instead there will be a $1 per item fee.

Fashion Swap Meet Item Tickets can be purchased at the event

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q: How much to get into the Swap Meet?
A: Both buyers and sellers will need a valid PMX Membership badge for entry to the Swap Meet. You can purchase a one-day, two-day, or full membership online at our Registration page. Sellers will also need to buy a ticket for each item. The ticket price per item is $1.

Q: Why do we pay per item?
A: Traditionally the seller/trader has to buy an entire table to swap their goods. We understand not everyone who wants to sell/trade has enough to fill an entire table, so we are charging $1 per item displayed in hopes of keeping the costs lower.

Q: Is there a limit to what I can bring?
A: Yes, there will be a 30 item selling limit per person. We also ask that all items be fashion related--that could be Lolita fashion, punk fashion, JRock fashion. Off brand and hand made items are permitted, but they must be high quality. There is also an overall limit of 30 items for the entire swap meet.

Q: What information will I need?
A: PMX will sell tickets that will attached to the garment being sold. It will ask for your name, contact information at the con, if your item is for Sale or Trade, the price of the item if applicable, and any other information you think necessary. All items must be priced unless they are Trade Only. Please know how much you want for your item. You may note that you are flexible on the price, but you must have a number down on your ticket. Any items with tags only partially filled will be removed from the swap meet.

Q: Is there parking nearby?
A: Yes, the hotel has its own parking facility, but it's not free and charges are by quarterly or hourly rates. There is a flat rate for the whole day with validation. Check our Location page for more information.

Q: What kind of payment is accepted
A: This is a CASH ONLY event. We ask that buyers and sellers to not use PayPal as too many purchases in one place will cause PayPal to suspend all transactions.

Q: Do I need a temporary sellers permit?
A: It depends. If you have been selling at a swap meet or event ONCE prior to us in a 12-month period, you don't need one. If you have been selling at a swap meet or event for two times or more prior to us in a 12-month period, you will need one. You may contact the California State Board of Equalization at (800) 400-7115 for additional information.

Q: How will I display my items
A: We will have limited tables and clothing racks for displaying your items. We ask that the sellers do not leave their items as PMX is not responsible for theft.

You must agree to these rules:
  • Swap Meet space is limited. Total items will be limited to 300. Individuals are limited to 30 items. There is a $1 per item charge.
  • Setup time is 30 minutes prior to opening each day.
  • The sale or trade of weapons or dangerous materials such as fireworks or flammables are prohibited.
  • You may not bring your own table to the swap meet.
  • At the close of the Swap Meet each day, all vendors must clear out their belongings. No storage of items will be allowed as the room is used for another function outside the Swap Meet hours.
  • Cash payment or bartering of items is permitted and is up to the discretion of the participants in the transaction.
  • PMX, its staff and/or the hotel are not legally responsible for the product's condition or stated condition. All transactions are between the seller and buyer.
  • Sellers have the right to refuse a sale or barter with anyone.
  • All products brought into the swap meet will be inspected, and all items that are in violation of these rules will not be permitted into the swap meet.
  • Any questions regarding the implementation or interpretation of the rules above are subject to the final discretion of the PMX Swap Meet staff.
  • Any instructions given by the PMX Swap Meet staff to enforce these rules, the rules or policies of the hotel, and any applicable law must be followed immediately.
  • PMX reserves the right to refuse access to anyone.
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© 2010 Pacific Media Expo
Images used with permission and are copyrighted by their respective owners.