As one of the focal points for people interested in Asian media and pop culture, Pacific Media Expo® welcomes members of the industry to participate in our convention. Industry professionals are encouraged to apply for a complimentary, full pass to the convention, and are welcome to purchase tickets for special events such as concerts.
Please note the Industry policies have changed significantly from previous years. There is a limit of 4 complimentary passes per organization. Also, pre-reg deadlines, at-con pricing, and the credentials requirements will be strictly enforced.
See the sections below for detailed information about how to qualify, how to apply, and how to pick up Industry Passes.
If you have further questions, contact the PMX Industry Liaison and we will be happy to assist you.
Industry Passes are valid for the entire convention weekend. They may be obtained by the following three methods:
- Pre-registration. You apply online by the pre-registration deadline (November 5th, 2011) and are approved before the convention. Please take note of the new qualification requirements for 2011. There is no charge for this method if you meet all the requirements.
- Online Application. You apply online but do not qualify for Pre-registration for whatever reason. We will process your application as pre-con resources permit, including at-con if your application is very late. This method costs $15 per person. Note that approval before the convention does not waive the fee.
- At-Con Application. You apply in person when you arrive at the convention, and we process your application as at-con resources permit. This method costs $15 per person.
Note that we may waive fees and/or requirements at our discretion, and we reserve the right to deny any application for any reason at any time.
Artists Note: If you plan to apply for both an Industry Pass and an Artists Market table,
be aware that you may need to obtain a regular attendee badge in addition to your Industry Pass.
See the Artists Market policies for details.
Industry Office Hours At-Con
Date |
Hours |
Friday, November 11 | 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM |
Saturday, November 12 | 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM |
Sunday, November 13 | 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM |
Industry Qualifications
Industry Pass Registration is only open to professionals with a substantial involvement in industries promoted by Pacific Media Expo®.
These industries include, but are not limited to, the Anime, Manga, and Asian entertainment industries.
In this section, to be employed in the industry means working for a company or organization that is recognized as a licensing, production, post-production, distributor, or corporate level retail entity. We may recognize other employment arrangements at our discretion.
All Industry Pass applicants must fulfill at least the following requirements:
- Must be a minimum of 18 years of age by/on November 11, 2011.
- Must have been employed in the industry, or an independent contractor hired by the industry, within the 12 months prior to November 11, 2011.
- Must agree to the Privacy Waiver:
- By submitting a request for an Industry Pass, the submitter grants Pacific Media Association the right to use their name, likeness and/or submitted image for promotional purposes.
- Must agree to be added to PMX owned mailing lists that are relevant to Industry professionals. (You may of course unsubscribe if your situation changes.)
- Provide proper credentials (as defined below) when checking in at the convention, that we may keep for our files.
Further, to receive complimentary Industry Passes via pre-registration, applicants must also fulfill the following requirements:
- Must be actively employed in the industry on November 11, 2011.
- Must be an executive or hold a position in a creative department.
- Office support/administration (data entry, accounting, assistant, etc.) and retail positions (store manager, sales associate, etc.) are not eligible.
- There is a limit of four (4) complimentary passes per organization. Applicants over this limit will be considered for the other (non-complimentary) application methods.
- Applications must be submitted by the end of the day (midnight), Pacific time, November 5th, 2011.
- Note: PMX reserves the right to deny/revoke any applicant or badge holder.
Industry badges are non-transferable and cannot be replaced if lost,
misplaced, forgotten and/or stolen.
Industry Credentials
- All credentials must include company/organization name, individual name, and contact information.
- Your individual name on your credentials, and your badge name on your registration form, must both match your photo ID.
- Credentials we will accept include but are not limited to:
- Business cards must be printed, not written.
- Letters of intent must be printed on an official company letterhead. An example is provided here.
Industry Pass Online Application Process
- Review the qualifications section before proceeding.
- Use this form to submit your Industry Pass application.
- Provide full legal names when registering. They must match your photo ID(s) during at-con pickup.
- In the Credentials field, provide a link to your IMDB and/or entry if you have them.
- When you complete your registration form, you will receive a registration receipt page. This acknowledges only our receipt of your application; it does not signify approval.
- You must submit your online application no later than the end of the day (midnight), Pacific time, November 5th, 2011 to be considered for complimentary Pre-Registration. If you miss this deadline, you may still apply online or at-con and pay the $15 per person fee if you are approved.
- Allow at least 10 business days for your application to be processed.
- If you are approved, you will receive an e-mail informing you of this, and you may also receive a postcard from PMX Registration.
- If you do not receive an e-mail informing you of your application status after 10 business days, feel free to contact the PMX Industry Liaison and inquire.
Industry Pass At-Con Process
- Bring paper documentation of approval if you have it:
- Physical postcard from PMX Registration
- Print-out of approval e-mail if you received one
- Otherwise: a print-out of your registration receipt page will help expedite your at-con processing, but it is not a valid approval document.
- Bring your credentials and a valid photo ID.
- When you arrive at the convention, go to the combined Industry/Press office in room San Lorenzo A on the 2nd floor of the LAX Hilton.
- You may only pick up your own badge. Proxy pick-up of badges for other members of your group is no longer allowed.