Home Policies & FAQs
Policy & FAQs
At Pacific Media Expo, we live by a mantra of respect and courtesy towards our attendees. Accordingly, we take the quality of each attendee's experience very seriously. If you feel that aspects of the event are not up to your standards, we encourage you to go to our Convention Operations (Con Ops) Office and file a complaint. If you find that a specific staffer was rude or unprofessional, please copy down their name and report the incident to the Con Ops Office. However, Pacific Media Expo asks attendees to remember that this event is being run by unpaid volunteers who are mainly working to evangelize Asian Pop Culture. Though Pacific Media Expo strives to maintain proper courtesy and behavior of its staff, the quality of service by each volunteer will vary. Pacific Media Expo will also be hosting a panel near the end of the convention just for attendees to share their input and opinions on the event. We hope that you will work closely with us in building an event that will continue to generate interest and participation in Asian Media and Popular Culture. |
While we encourage all attendees to be creative and to have fun, having fun does not require leaving one’s maturity and manners at the door. Please exhibit appropriate behavior at all times in the halls.
- Refrain from obscene gestures and displays.
- Respect the personal space of others.
- Do not hug strangers without permission.
- Absolutely no glomping or inappropriate touching.
- No “horseplay” (unruly physical behavior that might injure other people or damage property).
- Props are not recommended outside of the hotel, with the exception of the gardens. Please leave your props inside your hotel rooms or in the car.
In order to ensure and promote a safe and enjoyable environment for all attendees, their families and guests of Pacific Media Expo, we ask that you observe the following rules and regulations:
- Please have your badge visible at all times during the event.
- Observe Weapons Policy and Costume Policy.
- No use or possession of any illegal substances, narcotic, marijuana or any other illegal drugs on the premises. Anyone found under the influence of the mentioned substances and drugs will be denied entrance into the event.
- No use or possession of open can, bottle or other receptacle containing any alcoholic beverages, except in areas specifically designated for the consumption of alcohol.
(1) Summary
The goal of the Pacific Media Association (PMA) is to create an environment where attendees can enjoy themselves as much as possible. However, this must be done without affecting the experience of others. This requires the cooperation of all attendees and the use of common sense and courtesy when costuming. PMA bears no responsibility or liability for any damages or injuries incurred by the use of costumes, props, or weapons. Any infraction may result in further tightening of our security, possibly decreasing the entire cosplay experience for all attendees. Because of recent high profile events that have heightened security and safety concerns, real weapons are prohibited at Pacific Media Expo (PMX) and other PMA events. |
What is this Convention Thing? |
I've never been to a convention before. How does it all work?
Not sure what this Convention thing is all about? We can help!
Pacific Media Expo (PMX) is a convention. Pricing for conventions
is something like a carnival, except that most of the attractions don't
have their own tickets. You just need to show your membership
badge at the door to get in. Some events are open to the public (no
badge required, but some may have their own tickets). Other events
are premium and require a badge as well as their own tickets.
- Any pop/rock song is allowed, but Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Filipino, anime and video game music is always preferred.
- We have an extensive selection of music, but if we don't have the song you want, you can bring your own CD (original or burned), USB flash drive, or MP3 player when you go to the karaoke room. Please check with the staff beforehand. We cannot guarantee that we can play your song.
- Please limit yourself to signing up for one song at a time. Also, if your turn comes up while you are not in the room, we reserve the right to move on to the next singer in line.
- Please sign up with your real name (the one that is on your badge). If you want to be introduced by a stage name or your nickname, please let the staff know.
- If a song is repeated several times within a short length of time, we reserve the right to alter the song queue order (or to ban the song for the remainder of the con for the sake of our sanity).
- Please, no songs that are longer than eight (8) minutes in length.
- Open Mic karaoke performances should be audience-appropriate. If in doubt, check with the staff.
- Major rule: Do not break, throw, toss, or in any way damage the microphones, other equipment, or anything else that belongs in the room. We understand enthusiasm, but it does not justify mishandling the equipment, damaging property, or injuring someone. You will pay for any damages. You may also be subjected to expulsion from the convention, have your membership badge confiscated without refund, and/or criminally charged for any injury or damage of property.
- Earplugs are optional, but are not provided, so listen at your own risk!
© 2004-2014 Pacific Media Association. All rights reserved. |
Exhibitor Frequently Asked Questions |
Parking Update!
Attention members the Hilton Los Angeles Airport has informed us that we are now at 100% capacity. Please use alternative parking. Please see this List. (11.08.14)
Program Update Anime Dodgeball for Saturday has been Cancelled. (11.08.14)
Food Truck Update!
Please note the following regarding food trucks. FISHLIPS and Rolling Sushi Van will not be at PMX 2014. However, on Saturday November 8 CreativEats will be serving at lunch, and Tokyo Doggie Style will be serving dinner. (11.07.14)
Food Truck Change
Please note that Rolling Sushi Van's appearance at PMX 2014 has been cancelled. We will announce a replacement shortly. (11.06.14)
Program Schedule
The final version of the PMX 2013 Program Schedule is now available. For all schedule updates and the map for 2014 click here. (11.06.14)
Martial Arts
PMX is pleased to announce two additional martial arts workshops for Saturday Nov. 8: KaTa Tapados and Padded Weapons by Bunal Brand. (11.02.14)
Doce Pares Eskrima Change
Due to unforeseen circumstances Grandmaster Percival Pableo will be unable to attend PMX 2014 and the Doce Pares Eskrima Seminar has been cancelled. (10.27.14)
Fashion Night Market
Closet bursting? Can’t close your drawers? Sock overload? Then come clear out your closet at the PMX Fashion Night Market–a Swap Meet specifically for your surplus fashion items! More details can be found here. (10.24.14)
Hotel Update
Our room block at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport is sold out. Rooms are still available through the Hilton website or by phone, starting at $129. (10.17.14)
Swap Meet Info up
Swap Meet table sales open at 7:00pm, Wednesday 10/15. Click here for details. (10.13.14)
Fashion Update
We are excited to announce the return of Baby, the Stars Shine Bright and Alice and the Pirates to PMX 2014! They will be participating in our 2014 PMX Fashion Show and will have merchandise available in our Boutique. More details can be found here. (10.09.14)
Registration Back Up
Web registration is back online since about 5pm 10/8. Price deadlines have been extended. Click here for details.
Preliminary Schedule
The first draft of the PMX 2014 Program Schedule is now available. Check out schedule updates for 2014. (10.08.14)
Application Update
The application for Kickboxing Tournament is now available. (10.08.14)
Lucky Bags
VIP passes and Lucky Bags for heidi. are now available through our indiegogo campaign. Quantities are limited, don't miss this opportunity to show your support for the band. (10.03.14)
Registration is now open for CosFest Masquerade and Iron Cosplay. Additional information about CosFest can be found here. (10.02.14)
Sailor Moon Character Designer
PMX is proud to announce that Kazuko Tadano will be attending its annual convention as the Character Designer Guest of Honor. Ms. Tadano will be participating in an autograph session and a focus panel. This will be her first appearance at PMX. (10.01.14)
Sailor Moon Director
PMX is proud to announce that Hiromi Matsushita will be attending its annual convention as the Animation Director Guest of Honor. Mr. Matsushita will be participating in an autograph session and a focus panel. This will be his first appearance at PMX. (10.01.14)
Martial Arts
PMX is pleased announce two of our Martial Arts workshops for 2014. The Doce Pares Eskrima Seminar and Fight Choreography Workshop will be held Saturday Nov. 8. (09.28.14)
DJ Contest
PMX is looking for a select few DJs to rock the nightly dances. It could be you! Click here for more information. (09.27.14)
CosFest, is our name for the wonderful options for all cosplayers. Please visit our Cosplay section to find out more about our events! Contestant Registration opens October 1, 2014 for Masquerade opens October 1,2014. (09.26.14)
Say Cheese
PMX is pleased to announce the return of the popular PMX Photoshoot Room. Bring yourself, your family, your friends, or any fellow PMX attendee to have your photos taken. (09.26.14)
heidi. at PMX
PMX welcomes Visual Kei band heidi. as our 2014 music guest of honor. (09.22.14)
Industry/Press Reg
Registration for Industry and Press are now open. (09.07.14)
Press Policies Online
The press policies and FAQs are now available. Press registration will be opening soon. (09.06.14)
AMV Contest 2014 Update
The rules for the AMV Contest have been updated. For the latest information on rules and how to participate click here. (08.31.14)
AMV Contest 2014
PMX is pleased to announce the return of our Anime Music Video Contest. For more information on rules and how to participate click here. (08.25.14)
Fashion Show Update
Our 2014 PMX Fashion Show lineup is growing! South Korean Lolita brand White Forest will be shipping pieces over to send down our runway. Don't miss this chance to see their dresses up close and in person! Click here for more information. (08.18.14)
Artist Market Update
PMX Artist Market registration will be opening soon. If you would like to receive the latest news and updates on Artist Market please join our mailing list by clicking here.. (08.10.14)
2014 PMX Fashion Show
PMX is pleased to announce that South Korean Lolita brand LIEF will be participating in our 2014 PMX Fashion Show! For more details please visit PMXFashion.com. (08.10.14)
Panel Reg is Open!
Would you like to present a Panel or Workshop at PMX? Click here for more information. (08.03.14)
Help Wanted
Would you like to attend PMX at no charge? With a little work we can make that happen! PMX is seeking qualified individuals to staff or to volunteer. Please see pages for details. (08.03.14)
Vocaloids Return!
By popular demand, Vocaloid divas Hatsune Miku, Gumi, and Yuzuki Yukari return in an unofficial concert at PMX! (07.26.14)
Book Your Stay
The Hilton Los Angeles Airport is now accepting reservations for PMX 2014. See the Location page for more information and location guides. (07.22.14)
Registration Open
Online pre-registration is now open! Full badges are $40 until September 5th.
Innocent World Returns
PMX is excited to welcome Guest of Honor Yumi Fujiwara, President and Head Designer of Innocent World. For additional details please click on here.
Coming Soon
Stay tuned to this webpage. PMX is all set to start making announcements.
Save the Date!
PMX returns to the Hilton Los Angeles Airport in 2014. Mark your calendars for November 7-9, 2014.