Bel Air Room - Friday and Saturday from 6:30 until 11:30 p.m.
Do you want to sell your collection of anime, manga, Lolita clothes, J-rock/J-pop CDs, urban vinyl or anything that's related to Asian pop culture? Sell your collectibles at our Swap Meet!
Swap Meet Basic Information
The PMX Swap Meet will be located in the Bel Air Room, just off the main lobby of the Hilton Los Angeles Airport, next to the hotel restaurant. It will be open both Friday, November 7 and Saturday, November 8 from 6:30 to 11:30 p.m. each night. Setup time is thirty (30) minutes prior to opening each day, and teardown time is 30 minutes after closing, so the room is available to vendors from 6 p.m. until midnight each day.
A total of eighteen (18) full table, or thirty-six (36) half table, spaces are available each day and are sold separately. Vendors who wish to sell on both days must purchase each day separately. Standard pricing for tables purchased online before the convention is as follows: a half table (2.5 x 3 feet) with one chair costs $10 per day. A full table (2.5 x 6 feet) with two chairs costs $20 per day. In the event of unsold spaces or no-shows at the convention, at-con tables may be sold at a fifty percent premium ($15 per half table per day, $30 per full table per day).
Swap Meet Table Sales are Now Open!
Instructions for purchasing tables are below, after the Terms and Conditions for Vendors. Please note that you must agree to these terms in order to purchase a space and to check-in at the time and location of the event.
Terms and Conditions for Vendors
You must agree to the following and sign a printed version during check-in along with the registration form
- You are eighteen (18) years of age or older and have read and understand the Basic Information section above and the remaining Terms and Conditions below.
- Purpose of Swap Meet: The Swap Meet is intended for the sale of used, pre-purchased items personally owned by the vendors or their friends and family. It is not a discount alternative for the Exhibit Hall or Artists Market. At least 80% of what is sold at your table must have been personally owned and not made by you or held as business inventory. The sale of second-hand art commissions or previously used cosplay items is acceptable. All products brought into the Swap Meet will be inspected, and all items that are in violation of these rules will not be permitted into the Swap Meet.
- Reseller's Permit: You are responsible for your own Reseller's permit arrangements with the State of California, if necessary. (See the FAQ item about permits for more information.)
- Weapons: The sale or trade of weapons or dangerous materials such as fireworks or flammables are prohibited.
Replica weapons must be inspected by PMX Swap Meet staff or PMX Security staff and peace bonded.
- Bootleg / Counterfeit goods: The sale or trade of unlicensed, bootleg, or counterfeit goods is not allowed (e.g., SM, Ever Anime, Aliors, Elfin, fansubs). If the item is on a burned CD or DVD, it is considered a bootleg. However, the sale and trade of doujin goods (comics, shitajiki, cards, or stationary) is allowed. Although, in general, any item that is an infringement of copyright law is prohibited.
- Adult Material: Please note that PMX is a family-friendly event and the display of goods must be suitable for a general audience (i.e., G-rated). Adult material is permissible if stored behind your table (signage indicating that you have it available is fine) and only shown to buyers whose age you (the seller) have verified. The sale, trade, or showing of adult materials to anyone under eighteen (18) years old is a crime, and if you are caught selling or showing adult material to a minor, you will be evicted from the event and turned over to the authorities.
- Table Amenities: Each half table space will be provisioned with one chair. A maximum of two people may be in a vendor's space whether it is half or full. You may not bring your own table to the swap meet; the room is going to be full enough as it is. No electricity or internet is provided, but trash cans will be. Please keep your area clean and throw away your own trash; don't leave a mess for the other functions using this room.
- Table Assignments: The location of your space is not pre-assigned and will be decided first-come-first-serve during set up each day. PMX reserves the right to move any half space vendor without a table-mate in order to free up full tables if necessary.
- Setup and Teardown: Vendors may access the room thirty (30) minutes before and after the main selling hours. You may use a hand-truck or cart to move your material, but please do so discreetly and don't disrupt the other hotel guests. At the close of the Swap Meet each day, all vendors must clear out their belongings. No storage of items will be allowed as the room is used for another function outside the Swap Meet hours.
- Payments and Warranties: Both currency payment and bartering of items is permitted and is up to the discretion of the participants in the transaction. PMX, its staff, and/or the hotel are not legally responsible for the product's condition or stated condition. All transactions are between the seller and buyer. Sellers have the right to refuse a sale or barter with anyone.
- Disputes and Enforcement: Any questions regarding the implementation or interpretation of the PMX Swap Meet policies are subject to the final discretion of the PMX Swap Meet staff. Any instructions given by the PMX Swap Meet staff to enforce these rules, the rules or policies of the hotel, and any applicable law must be followed immediately. PMX reserves the right to refuse access to anyone and to revoke PMX Member badges if necessary.
Please note that a valid PMX membership is required to purchase a swap meet table.
In order to purchase a space in the Swap Meet, first make sure you are registered for the convention and then use Event Ticket Registration to purchase your spaces. See our Registration page for more information. Note that if you do not pay for your spaces promptly (within 48 hours) your spaces may be forfeited and sold to someone else. If the spaces sell out on one or both days, you can reserve a spot on the waiting lists for each day using the same interface.
For status inquiries or questions not covered in the FAQ, contact the Swap Meet department staff.