2½ days of FUN!
Pacific Media Expo 2008
Veterans' Day
Holiday Weekend
November 7 to 9, 2008
Hilton Los Angeles Airport
May 2009 raffle
Win: Autographed Angelic Pretty poster! Click here. (05.19.09)
April 2009 raffle
Win: Framed and autographed Kaya postcard! (April Raffle closed on 04.30.09) (04.14.09)
PMX Collectors' Swap Meet
Join us at the Monterey Park Cherry Blossom Festival (April 18-19, 11 AM - 6 PM). Click here. (03.28.09)
March 2009 raffle
Win: Robotech Shadow Chronicles 2-Disc Collector's Edition, a VF-1A Max Type Valkyrie Super Poseable Figure, and 2 PMX 2009 Full Memberships! (March Raffle closed on 03.31.09) (03.06.09)
February 2009 raffle
Win an autographed and framed Kaya postcard! (February Raffle closed on 02.28.09) (02.10.09)
Save the date! Nov. 6-8, '09
PMX 2009 returns to the LAX Hilton for another year of fun! (01.14.09)
January 2009 raffle
Win an autographed and framed Suicide Ali postcard! (January Raffle closed on 01.31.09) (01.02.09)
THANK YOU for attending PMX 2008! See you next year! (11.10.08)
Kaya performance
Concert starts at 8 p.m. Kaya's performance on stage starts at 9:30 p.m. (11.08.08)
Pocky tasting
Look out wine tasting. Here comes Pocky tasting. Glico is coming to PMX to let attendees try the Pocky experience. (11.06.08)
Map it out
Download the layout for PMX here or in the Location tab. (11.05.08)
Anime showings
Check out the list of anime PMX will be showing in its video rooms. (11.05.08)
Panels and workshops
Check out the Panels and Workshops we've added to the schedule. (11.05.08)
Discounted parking
Hotel parking for PMX attendees is $10/day with a coupon. Coupons are available in Registration upon request. (11.05.08)
Cosfest signups
Information regarding PMX's Cosfest has been updated. Sign up now! (11.03.08)
Registration info updates
The new registration page now covers at-con hours and registration policies. (11.03.08)
Kick it into overdrive
PMX updates the format of the ever-popular Twisted Tea Party. Welcome the Turbo Twisted Tea Party. Click here to find out how to participate. (11.03.08)
Korean drama
See a list of k-drama screening at PMX08. (10.30.08)
Programming schedules
Check them out under the Programming tab. (10.22.08)
Exhibits update
Baby the Stars Shine Bright and PEACE NOW will be bringing their distinct designs to PMX! (10.22.08)
October raffle
Win a Candy Spooky Theater autographed CD! (October Raffle closed on 10.31.08) (10.21.08)
Maid cafe
Join us Nov. 8 and 9 for a unique dining experience as PMX co-hosts its own maid cafe... (10.20.08)
Making beautiful music
Stephanie Yanez to perform at halftime of Cosfest. VAEIDOS joins the Pacific Media Live lineup. Clear your cache and check out their music in the player above. (10.18.08)
Plethora of programming
The programming tab has been updated with numerous activities on tap at PMX. Check out the Cowboy Bebop Experience, the B-Boy 3x3 Competition, Popping/Breaking workshops, fan panels for Kaba Modern and SickStep and much more. (10.17.08)
Info updates
PMX is now taking sign-ups for panels and workshops. Press and industry can register for PMX. (10.17.08)
PMX's best dance crew
Now taking sign-ups for .pure furisuta GiG 2's 3-on-3 b-boy battle. (10.16.08)
Events announcements
PMX will be hosting a Rock Band 2 tournament in its gaming room. See a partial list of the console games at PMX. PMX will also be hosting its dances on Friday and Saturday nights. Read up on our spinneriffic DJs. (10.13.08)
More music
Check out Kaya, our new music Guest of Honor. PMX announces our opening bands: Heday, LYV, Nylon Pink, and Vamp Star. Check out music clips in the player above. (10.01.08)
On sale soon
UPDATE: Tickets to the Suicide Ali concert go on sale at 7 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on Friday, Oct. 3. Tickets to the Kaya concert go on sale at 8 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on Friday, Oct. 3. See the ticketing policy. (10.01.08)
One lump or two?
PMX brings back the ever-popular Twisted Tea Party. Click here to find out how to participate. (10.01.08)
The cinema scene
Cine-East once again is sponsoring the Asian film program at PMX. See a list of what will be showing. (09.28.08)
Bringing it back
.pure furisuta GiG 2 will feature dance exhibition and a 3 on 3 b-boy battle. Find out more about .pure furisuta GiG 2. (09.27.08)
Volunteer for PMX
PMX is now accepting volunteers to help at the convention. Find out how to sign up here. (09.26.08)
Stay at the Hilton
Book your room for PMX. Find out more information about the Hilton Hotel LAX here. (09.22.08)
The Turbo Twisted Tea Party is an event where you and your team display your costuming and presentation skills. The goal of this event is simple: create a living visual exhibit of an Asian Pop Culture Tea Party complete with table setting, costumes, and props. (Backdrops and skits optional) The set up can be any genre, such as Gothic Lolita, Korean Drama, Video Games, Anime, Ball-jointed Dolls or any Asian Pop Culture theme you can imagine. This is a great opportunity for all you budding costume, interior and visual communication designers to combine forces and create a stunning exhibit.
The event is designed to promote and encourage Asian Pop Culture inspired artists to challenge themselves, and be recognized for their achievements. Turbo Twisted Tea Party is an exhibit of talents without peer pressure, rather than a competition. An award will be given to the group who demonstrates the greatest artistic potential, and innovations that benefit the community as a whole.
Rules and procedures:
- All participants must be registered members of PMX, and must also pre-register with Twisted Tea Party Hostess by November 5, 2008. A rough sketch and brief project explanation are also required for entry. Please supply your entry, along with JPEG or PNG graphics, so we can have a visual reference. Please send all entries to:
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. We are unable to receive entries and submissions via conventional mail.
- Your innovation(s) must be clearly documented and made available for public non-profit use.
- If your exhibit has already won a prize from another event you may still showcase your exhibit, but you will not be eligible for prizes. This event is for showcasing new talent, rather than exhibits that have previously swept other conventions for awards.
- Combined weight of your scenery (excluding costumes), must be less than 75 pounds.
- Maximum of six (6) people in each group. Five (5) may be part of the set scenery; one (1) person in each group should play the role of a curator who interfaces with the public and press.
- If your entry includes a scenery, it must fit within a rectangular space no larger than 11 feet by 13 feet. Theatrical stands, trusses, and clamps may be used, but you must observe fire and safety regulations.
- Only faux food or drinks should be used.
- All productions must be rated PG-13 or less (i.e. your grandmother should be able to view it without needing medical attention).
- Each group may have access to a circular table and five (5) hotel style chairs, or two (2) benches. You have the option of one power outlet with maximum power consumption of 1 amp; please bring your own extension cords. Describe your powered equipment in your entry, as PMX needs to review it for fire and safety regulations. All powered equipment must be approved prior to the event.
- Common courtesy demands that elements such as music, fog, or aromas which may invade your neighbors' exhibits must be kept under control. For example, consider how museum exhibits are set up. Please discuss any such elements in your exhibit beforehand.
- Event participants will have access to the Turbo Twisted Tea Party exhibit room for at least 1 hour of setup time prior to the event. This may be earlier in the day, exact time TBA. Between setup and the event itself the Turbo Twisted Tea Party exhibit room will be closed and locked.
- A mandatory orientation meeting (for sign-in, inventory, and general communication) will be held on the event day, exact time TBA.
Prize procedure:
During the exhibit the hostess will examine your creation and form an opinion rating. Your curator (your group representative) will be asked a number of questions about your exhibit. Some common questions will be:
- What are your inspiration(s) for this project?
- What aspects of your project contribute to the community?
- How was it constructed?
- What is your overall message to viewers, and why did you choose this message?
- Why did you choose a given material for some aspect of your project?
- What special features does your exhibit have? Can you demonstrate them?